Practice with me
In-person (75 min) - Sundays 9:45am
St Margaret’s Institute, Polstead Road, Oxford.
Le Flow is a 75min mixed-level ability class. I always teach with beginners in mind, and I also provide blocks if you do not have any.
In Le Flow, we go through a Reset, 2 sequences, the Stream and a relaxation.
In-person (60 min) - Thursdays 6.30pm
St Margaret’s Institute, Polstead Road, Oxford.
This class is exactly what it says on the tin! We move to unwind the body and mind, connecting to a slow breath to relax our nervous system. Good night sleep guaranteed.
Online or in-person
A private class is an opportunity for me to assess your posture, look closely at the you move (ie: how are you using your hips? What are your compensatory patterns? What areas can we find more space in?..), how you breathe, and, above all, focus on what you would like to do and where you would like to feel a change.